Renovatio Historia

Renovatio Historia es una página que pretende difundir la historia desde una perspectiva novedosa, renovadora, que acerque el conocimiento de la historia a cualquier persona rompiendo con el viejo lenguaje sin que por ello se pierda el carácter verídico y profesional que el conocimiento histórico requiere y necesita.

Para ello se presentan los temas a través de los nuevos medios audiovisuales y se apoya y difunde la investigación más puntera en el campo historiográfico.

Power Point, youtube y el cine comercial son armas de la docencia.

La Norma Hipotética, las Bases de Datos, la criminalidad y las matématicas son armas de la investigación histórica más seria y puntera pero no por ello encorsetada y arcaizante.

Raúl Ramírez Ruiz

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)

"La historia es la clave. Su olvido la causa". R3.
"我希望可以通过我的研究能够让广大西语读者走近中国". R3

domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2024

The New Spanish Sinology and Asian Studies: A 21 st-Century Academic Construction - 西班牙的新汉学与亚洲研究,21世纪的学术建设

 历史宁系“大夏世界史论坛· 河系谢乐路15号

The New Spanish Sinology and Asian Studies: A 21 st-Century Academic Construction



Raul Ramirez-Ruiz





华东师范大学阅行校区人文楼, 1230


The New Spanish Sinology and Asian Studies: A 21 st-Century Academic Construction

Chinese Studies in Spain are a relatively recent development, dating back to the mid-1980s, driven by China's Reform and Opening-Up policy. However, their consolidation through official degree programs did not occur until the early 21st century, specifically in 2003, with the introduction of second-cycle bachelor’s degrees at a few universities that began offering courses in Chinese studies.

Twenty years after those initial steps, experts, professors, and universities offering undergraduate and master's degrees in Chinese studies recognized the need for a thorough review of the current Chinese and Asian studies programs. This ambitious task was undertaken by the Consolidated Research Group on Spain-China Relations at URJC. The scope of their work went beyond a simple cataloging of existing programs; it aimed to examine the historical evolution of the degrees, student demographics, university fees, employability rates, and the geographical distribution of programs, among other factors. The goal was to gain a deeper understanding of the true characteristics of Chinese studies in Spain and to propose actions for improvement.

In this conference, Dr. Raúl Ramírez Ruiz, the director of this project, will provide a comprehensive and academic overview of Asia, with a specific focus on Chinese studies and the emergence of a new "Spanish Sinology." This new approach is only loosely connected to the earlier Spanish Sinology that was a pioneer in the Western world. Dr. Ramírez will explain the reasons behind this evolution, as well as the current structure and form of Chinese and Asian studies in Spain today.

Traducción del cartel:

Departamento de Historia Ning "Foro de Historia Mundial de Daxia· No. 15 Xie Le Road, He System

Nueva sinología y estudios asiáticos en España, construcción académica en el siglo XXI
Ciudad de Sharonze·Inglés

Raúl Ramírez Ruiz
Profesor de la Universidad Juan Carlos, España.
24 de octubre de 2024 (jueves)
Edificio de Humanidades, campus de Yuexing, Universidad Normal del Este de China, 1230
Departamento de Historia, Universidad Normal del Este de China


Department of History Ning "Daxia World History Forum · No. 15, Hexi Xiele Road

New Sinology and Asian Studies in Spain, Academic Construction in the 21st Century
Sharon Ze City · English

Raul Ramirez Ruiz
Professor of Juan Carlos University, Spain
October 24, 2024 (Thursday)
Humanities Building, Yuexing Campus, East China Normal University, 1230
Department of History, East China Normal University

A casa... 

Y como siempre, 
Por y con trabajo... 

Renovatio ECNU Abroad

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