Renovatio Historia

Renovatio Historia es una página que pretende difundir la historia desde una perspectiva novedosa, renovadora, que acerque el conocimiento de la historia a cualquier persona rompiendo con el viejo lenguaje sin que por ello se pierda el carácter verídico y profesional que el conocimiento histórico requiere y necesita.

Para ello se presentan los temas a través de los nuevos medios audiovisuales y se apoya y difunde la investigación más puntera en el campo historiográfico.

Power Point, youtube y el cine comercial son armas de la docencia.

La Norma Hipotética, las Bases de Datos, la criminalidad y las matématicas son armas de la investigación histórica más seria y puntera pero no por ello encorsetada y arcaizante.

Raúl Ramírez Ruiz

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)

"La historia es la clave. Su olvido la causa". R3.
"我希望可以通过我的研究能够让广大西语读者走近中国". R3

martes, 31 de diciembre de 2024

International Conference in Honor of the 2575th Anniversary of Confucius’ Birth and the 7th Congress of the International Confucian Association

The year 2024 marks the 2575th anniversary of Confucius’ birth, the 30th anniversary of the founding of the International Confucian Association (ICA), and the year for the ICA congress and the election meeting for its new leadership. Following the constitution of the ICA, we plan to hold the International Conference in Honor of the 2575th Anniversary of Confucius’ Birth and the 7th Congress of the International Confucian Association in mid to late October 2024 in Beijing, China. The event will last five days, and we sincerely invite you to attend.

Video summary of the Opening of the 7th Congress of International Confucian Association.

The conference, whose theme is “Confucianism: Diversity of Civilizations and Modernization”, aims to promote the essence of Confucian culture, explore the significant role of Confucianism in global modernization, and foster mutual learning among civilizations and international people-to-people exchanges. Sub-forums on the diversity of civilizations and mutual learning, innovative development of cultural heritage, the common values of humanity, and international people-to-people exchanges will be held.

Ramirez-Ruiz in the Great Hall of the People at the opening of the 
Seventh Congress of the International Confucian Association. Still from a CCTV broadcast

The theme of the five-day conference is Confucianism: Diversity of Civilizations and
Modernization. It will include four sub-forum themes:
(1) Diversity of Civilizations and Mutual Learning
(2) Inheritance and Innovative Development of Traditional Culture
(3) Shared Values of Humanity
(4) International Cultural Exchange
The conference languages are Chinese and English.

Agenda for the International Conference to Commemorate the 2575th Anniversary of Confucius’s Birth and the 7th Congress of the International Confucian Association


October 18th

Conference Registration

Registration Place

October 19th


Conference Opening Ceremony

Venue: Great Hall of the People


Academic Keynote Speeches

Venue: Hotel Conference Hall

Chen Lai, Academic Keynote Speeches.7th Congress of the ICA


Welcome Banquet

Venue: Hotel Banquet Hall

Image of the beginning of the welcome banquet

After the welcome banquet some of the academics shared talks, music and wine...
Slavic songs in Beijing. China Mosaic. 2024/10.

October 20th


General Assembly, Board Meeting

Venue: Hotel Conference Hall

Wang Xuedian Academic Keynote Speeches.7th Congress of the ICA

October 20th (afternoon) - 21st (morning)

The International Conference’s Sub-forums (Four parallel sub-forums)

Venue: Hotel Meeting Rooms

Conferencias ICA- Sub-forums.

After the conferences, the organization invited us to see the play...

Journey to the West 2. Directed by Wang Yabin.

October 21st


First Meeting of the 7th Executive Committee

Venue: Hotel Meeting Room

Conferencias ICA. Sub-forums (9). 10/21/2024

Explanation of candidates for the Seventh Vice Council Chairs and Council Members


Closing Ceremony

Venue: Hotel Conference Hall

And after the closing ceremony, the new executive of the International Confucian Association took us to the Palace Museum.

October 22nd


Renovatio Abroad. 

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