Renovatio Historia

Renovatio Historia es una página que pretende difundir la historia desde una perspectiva novedosa, renovadora, que acerque el conocimiento de la historia a cualquier persona rompiendo con el viejo lenguaje sin que por ello se pierda el carácter verídico y profesional que el conocimiento histórico requiere y necesita.

Para ello se presentan los temas a través de los nuevos medios audiovisuales y se apoya y difunde la investigación más puntera en el campo historiográfico.

Power Point, youtube y el cine comercial son armas de la docencia.

La Norma Hipotética, las Bases de Datos, la criminalidad y las matématicas son armas de la investigación histórica más seria y puntera pero no por ello encorsetada y arcaizante.

Raúl Ramírez Ruiz

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)

"La historia es la clave. Su olvido la causa". R3.
"我希望可以通过我的研究能够让广大西语读者走近中国". R3

martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

Third Conference: China, Economy, Power and Future: Resizing China - Evaluating the China of XXI century

October 26, 2016
Morning Session "China: The economic success of the Dragon"
10: 00- Presentation of the Conference
Dra. Sara Nunez de Prado. Associate Dean of Students FCJs.
10:30 - The dissolution of the USSR and the transformation of China: two responses to the crisis of 1989
Dr. Ricardo Martin de la Guardia. Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Valladolid.
11:30 - The challenges of the huge Chinese market
EXTENDA. Trade Promotion Agency of Andalusia.
12:30 - Break
13:00 - China to the global challenges and aspirations
Dr. Christian Careaga Guzman
14:00 – Colloquium

16:00 - Afternoon session: "The Silk Road, more than economy values ​​and civilization."
16:00: Introduction to Silk Road. geostrategic historical keys and complexity.
Paul A. Rodriguez Merino. Warwick University.
16:30: The Neo Confucianism in China.
Sara Gutiérrez Fernández URJC
17:00 - Chinese values ​​and their potential in the external projection of China. The soft power of the Silk Road.
Dr. Raul Ramirez Ruiz URJC
18:00: The new Silk Road of XXI century.
Dr. Philip R. Debasa Navalpotro URJC
18:45: Closing the conference.

On 26 October, thanks to funding from of the Vicerrectorado of University Extension will held in the Campus of Vicálvaro the "Third Conference: China, Economy, Power and Future: Resizing China".

The Conference will consist of seven lectures, divided into two sessions. In the morning session (10:00 to 14:00) under the common title of "China: The economic success of the Chinese dragon", it will be addressed along three lectures the reasons for the economic success of China, in addition to their reasons historical and current perspectives.

In the afternoon session (16:00 to 19:00) under the common title "The Silk Road, more than economy: values and civilization." ", it will be addressed along four lectures the importance because the Chinese authorities has to promote the revival of the Silk Road as a new door open China to the world in the twenty-first century.

Lugar de Celebración: Salón de Grados del Edificio Departamental del Campus de Vicalvaro
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