lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017

2010—2015 年西班牙“中国学”研究现状与趋势 - Current Situation and Trend of Research on "Chinese Studies" in Spain in 2010-2015

[ 西班牙]劳尔·拉米雷斯·鲁伊斯(Raúl Ramírez Ruiz)著魏京翔 译

译者按:本文源自西班牙胡安·卡洛斯国王大学劳尔·拉米雷斯·鲁伊斯(Raúl Ramírez Ruiz)教授在华东师范大学的演讲底稿,写作框架成型于2015 年3 月他相继在中国人民大学与北京大学进行的学术访问。鲁伊斯教授系历史学博士,著有《习近平的“中国梦”: 中国第五代领导人的执政纲领》《中国的历史、思想与文化》等作品。本文依据2010—2015 年西班牙国内约2210 种以“中国学研究” 为核心的 学术出版物,进行数据统计与主题分析,在对文献演变进行研究的过程中,作者重点关注了“西班牙汉学研究的复兴”这一议题。本文对此类主题相关文献进行回溯与分析,旨在反思当前新汉学研究的本质,思考其未来的走向。

中图分类号:G239.19                                             doi:10.19326/j.cnki.2095-9257.2016.03.020

Abstract: The Spanish Sinology, or rather, the "China Studies" in Spain have experienced strong momentum since the beginning of the century. This article deals with statistical and thematic analysis of the Spanish production on "China Studies" between 2010-2015: a total of approximately 2,210 scholarly publications. Thus, alongside the annual evolution of the literature, the author studies which are the issues that focus the attention of this "renaissance of Spanish Sinology". This paper traces the trend of these publications and finally does a call to reflect on the true meaning of this new Sinology and possible future developments. For although the Spanish Sinology of the XXI century, remains strongly rooted in studies of the Ming and Qing dynasties, Philippines and Manila Galleon, its current dependence on "Rise of China" could be detrimental to their future development.

Keywords: China, Spain, Sinology, China Studies, Rise of China.



国际汉学, 2016年第03期:

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Renovatio Abroad - 劳尔